Laser Procedures
Explore The Laser Treatments Offered at Cayce Medical Spa
Cayce Medical Spa offers a variety of state-of-the-art lasers as skin care treatment options for many different situations and skin concerns. We have lasers that target areas of skin hyperpigmentation as well as texture and tone which can be effectively used to reduce the appearance of scars, aid in hair removal and perform vein treatments. All of our laser technicians are certified professionals with an eye for aesthetic value, and they are ready and willing to work with you to help you achieve your desired results. Below you'll find a list of the laser treatments we currently offer at Cayce Medical Spa.

AccuTite is a minimally invasive, radio frequency (RF) treatment that utilizes a technology called RFAL or radio frequency assisted lipolysis. AccuTite is not only great for facial contouring but can also be used body-wide to treat smaller areas of concern including fat of the underarms, abdomen, knees and thighs.
The Diolaze laser hair removal system is a multiple-session procedure that safely and gently removes unwanted hair. In this procedure, a virtually-painless diode laser beam passes through the skin and targets the root of the hair to effectively prevent future hair growth.
Evoke Face
As the industry's first hands-free applicator, Evoke Face is specifically designed to address the cheek and jowl area. Evoke remodels the dermis and subdermal tissue, resulting in more defined facial characteristics and improved skin laxity.
Evolve Body Sculpting Treatments
The Evolve line of body sculpting treatments are hands-free, non-invasive, total body treatments that aim to remodel and tighten skin, treat and reduce cellulite, and tone muscle groups with radiofrequency energy (RF) and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS).
The light-based Lumecca skin treatment uses intense pulsed light (IPL) to target areas of hyperpigmentation, sunspots, age spots, vascular lesions and more. After the procedure is complete, you can expect to see an evening out of your skin tone and the disappearance of spider veins, redness and more.
The Q-Switch pigment removal method utilizes short, strong laser pulses to aid in the tattoo removal process and in the removal of brown spots, sun freckles and more. This type of laser skin rejuvenation uses quick laser pulses to break up and release the areas of pigment into the skin to be reabsorbed and disposed of by the body.