Treating Hyperpigmentation & Redness

Intense Pulsed Light(IPL): Lumecca by InMode

Lumecca is an intense pulsed light treatment that has three times the strength of traditional IPL lasers; therefore, requiring fewer sessions than traditional IPL treatments. Lumecca can reduce the appearance of vascular lesions and pigmentation, including:

  • Port wine stains
  • Facial, truncal and leg telangiectasia
  • Rosacea
  • Erythema of rosacea
  • Angiomas and spider angiomas
  • Poikiloderma of Civatte
  • Superficial leg veins
  • Venous malformations

Lumecca also effectively treats the appearance of sunspots or age spots, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), and freckles.


Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a topical treatment intended to remove dead skin cells and infuse the skin with ingredients the skin needs to create a more even skin tone and texture. Cayce Medical Spa offers a variety of chemical peel options to help with the treatment of redness and pigmentation. These peels include SkinCeuticals MicroPeels and Glytone Peels. Each peel treats specific skin issues and your treatment will be customized to your skin type. Chemical peels are also offered as one of our spa services.

The Hyperpigmentation Package at Cayce Medical Spa

Contact Cayce Medical Spa today to learn more about our hyperpigmentation package! This package is designed to give you the best results for reducing redness and correcting hyperpigmentation. This package combines the IPL laser treatment, chemical peels, and at home skin care to give you beautiful, more even-toned skin.